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Writer's pictureKitty Kleinhuizen

Automated Vehicles...

Utopian Future? Or Death By Uber?

Automated vehicles…lovingly dubbed AVs…having been repeatedly making the news, whether good or bad. For example, there have been two instances of road rage accidents involving AVs in California. No, it wasn’t the AV that got mad.

The first incident occurred at a traffic light in SanFran when a man ran across the street and tackled the Bolt EV while shouting. (No report on what he was shouting, but I probably couldn’t write it here anyway)

The second incident, also in SanFran with a Bolt EV, occurred when a taxi driver got out of his vehicle and smacked the AV on its windshield leaving a scratch. I wonder if he was shouting too?


Whatever the reason behind the attacks on these benevolent machines, we do know that the powers-that-be have made us certain promises concerning how AVs will help to build a better world.

1. AVs will reduce traffic congestion.

But, you might ask, won’t there still be the same number of cars on the road? Well no, because of promise number 2

2. AVs will encourage people to share vehicles.

Really? I’m thinking that might be giving society a little bit more credit than it deserves, especially in the US where individualism is King, and sharing one’s automotive space is just not a priority. Maybe if someone paid them?

3. AVs will open up large areas of public space because we won’t need parking structures.

Tell me if my laughter is bothering you. People will give up their own car when you pry the steering wheel from their cold, de….well, you get the idea. And businesses agree. Even though we are supposed to preparing for this looming automated revolution, companies are still constructing buildings and office space with plenty of parking.

4. No more accidents.

Sorry, have to disagree with this one too. Correct me if I’m wrong, but these are basically big computers connected to a central database, right? Do you realize how many times I’ve been on the phone with tech support this month? And, God forbid, I don’t restart my computer every time an MS update decides it’s time for me to enjoy staring at the spinning circle of doom for an hour. I guarantee these things will glitch at 4-way stops, and random mechanical failures are a given, leading to a meltdown of what should be a well oiled (or programmed) machine.

There are many more, but you get the idea. What we tend to see are two groups of people on the subject of AVs: the Utopians and the Dystopians;

Life according to Utopians…

Hordes of AVs, cheap and accessible to all, pick you up at the touch of a screen. Traffic accidents are no more, and the government suddenly figures out the perfect logarithm to moving people and regulating traffic. No more traffic jams…we’re free! There will also be less urban sprawl, zero fossil fuel consumption, and the atmosphere will be pollution free. And don’t forget, your daily commute to work is now a stress-free paradise where you can catch a nap, or finally finish that novel you’ve been meaning to write.

Life according to Dystopians…

Now that AVs are so accessible, people will rely more on cars and less on biking and walking. This will actually increase congestion, pollution, and obesity. And now that robo-cab is in control, won’t people live further from work, actually increasing urban sprawl? And, what happens if there’s a glitch? A recall? A suicide AV starting the robo-car revolution? What if…and this is the worst…we have to spend time locked in a rocketing, driverless death machine…with STRANGERS?? No wonder all the rich people will buy their own, further dividing the class structure and increasing social unrest.

Who’s right?

Truth is, we just don’t know. With all the talk of what AVs may or may not do, there is actually very little fact-based research. There are currently experiments being done to start this data collection (such as the unfortunate Bolt EVs in California). However, just like every other new idea, only time will tell if we should expect an automotive future filled with rainbows and sunshine, or death-by-Uber

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